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The video of the new research, making sandwiches resolution of LCD increased four-fold

The computer graphics company Nvidia renowned researchers used a simple but innovative techniques available in the market and affordable LCD screens up to four times better resolution and refresh rate to two times the speed achieved in have been.

nvidia-cascaded-display-subpixel techniques which Anne This video is called cascaded displays the researchers, that work is very simple. In this technique, two LCD screens are placed one above the other in a certain way, which increases the overall resolution four times. The researchers believe this video techniques for these devices will help to develop affordable but high-resolution display, which is close to the user's eyes. Oculus Rift is an example of such devices, the user like a spring to his eyes

Are hnty. Researcher also Protocol III D type device such as printers akls Rift knitting and weaving technique was discovered in the installed display.
The science behind this technique is that all the pixels in the LCD itself are transparent. But the distance between them which are present in the wires and circuit, is not transparent. Ann Video researchers took advantage of the same thing. The second LCD on top of an LCD placed such that each pixel of the LCD laid down at the top of the LCD are four pixels. The top four pixels of each pixel of the LCD seems to work well. Work does not end here, LCDs to work this sandwich is a special software required. The experts in the video are already tremendous expertise, and they drive the new LCD control software or present no difficulty in making.

 to make the prototype with 1280 × 800 resolution LCD monitor has earned two of which had cost a few dollars. LCD monitors his team went out of their casings and an LCD (which will be at) removed the backlight to stay in the other. Both LCDs before placing them on top of each other in the middle of a quarter-wave film is placed between the two polarization or polarization of LCDs is the difference.

Be used to display the cascaded Head Mounted Display it (head-mounted displays) etc. Ideal for example, can be called Oculus Rift. Rift is a great price, which is considerably cheaper and low resolution of the display is to be used. Since the display is very close to the eyes due to the low resolution pixels in the display can be viewed separately. The result can lead to cracked display. Display case if caddy is made commercially usable Head Mounted Display prices so without increasing their resolution can substantially increase.

The video is great but this technique also present an error in this decade. Keep each other up to two LCDs their luminosity or brightness is reduced considerably. This is important when the brightness it is to be used in laptops or smartphones. The main use of the HMD to be in the eye of the display is very close, it is important for the problem of brightness. Due to some technical issues using the HMD display will be limited.
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