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Held plastic pollution from the natural beauty of the ocean and marine life is ending, research

According to data obtained in the last 6 years, 2 million 69 thousand tons of plastic waste has been dumped into the ocean, research. EAST
Los Angeles: Scientists say that millions of tons of plastic waste being dumped in the sea water, which not only pollute the oceans, but also for the survival of marine life is going to be devastating.
The research in the US has been shopping bags, bottles, toys, covering, shoes, umbrella handles, toilet seats, all plastics and sea food is being carried out in the last 6 years 2 lakh 69 thousand tonnes of plastic waste, according to data have been thrown into the sea, Los Angeles will 5 Director and head of research at the Institute figure. the sea is even more pollution that were collected the data comes from. He said 92 percent of plastic pollution, which spreads through micro-plastic particles remain in the light of the sun, the ocean, sharks or other fish bites and the waves are divided into pieces, experts warn the pollution of marine birds, and other marine life are dying mchylyan and have a severe threat to the survival of the ecosystem.
The research used a phishing net Dolphins, turtles and other marine janurhlak are odor emanating from the neck plastic marine animals are suffering from respiratory and stomach ailments. Plastic garbage rivers, beaches and enters the sea by ships that sailed the seas of plastic large objects are usually several spots of each kcrun turns and several large piles of sea water is causing disruption in the flow.
Head of the Institute, said the Australian coast, the Bay of Bengal and the Mediterranean, according to data obtained from the 5.25 billion plastic particles were found in the seas, which are equal to the size of sand particles. These particles reach the sea journey to the polar regions, which is extremely dangerous. These particles P Seabees, DDT and other toxic elements that are included in the diet of marine life and cause of death are his.
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