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Another explosive WikiLeaks disclosure

WikiLeaks while another blast kyzaqdam copies in Germany surveillance software download on your web site are presented for loading. This software is a virus that primarily targets the world's intelligence agencies are using it to keep an eye on.

 Fisher (FinFisher), a company which belong to Germany's, the software makes and sells Windows, Mac OS, Linux, ayndruyyd, Blackberry, iOS, symbyn and Windows Phone powered devices covertly entered to steal data. The name of the company when it came to the fore for the first time in December 2011 WikiLeaks released the details of their products and business. WikiLeaks disclosure reports its findings after several researchers worldwide presence in the Art Fisher's product and its use against journalists and political opponents have regarding disclosures.

According to the WikiLeaks website Pakistani agencies are also included in this software buyers and targets dozens Through Art Fisher has been infected with a virus. A support ticket for a Pakistani agency worker is sent to the Art Fisher, was set up with a screenshot. As can be seen in the screenshot Indian dozens of computers have been infected. There are also some Pakistani computers.

Wikileaks press release (which are listed in the download links) can be found at this link. While the list of buyers of software and support tickets can be found at this link.

WikiLeaks says that after the release of the software, technical experts will be able Fisher art products that can make the immune Software'll find the command and control system.
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